Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sometimes I Fail. Sometimes I Win!

Lately I think I have been cheating too much on this 17 day diet healthy eating/living plan and it shows in how I feel today and it showed when I stepped on the scale this morning. Ugh. Needless to say, sometimes I fail. It's not easy, this path I am on and I am still working to build up good habits and banish bad ones.

Sometimes I fail, and it looks like this:

- I don't always drink enough water, and I get dehydrated easily.
- My sleep is broken and sometimes I don't get enough of it.
- Sometimes I don't get 17 minutes of exercise every day, which is going to make it really hard to get even more on the next cycle.
- I often eat fruit and carb servings after 2 pm. I don't typically beat myself up over this, but I am on a roll.
- I have a very hard time controlling portion sizes for natural starches/carbs. 1/2 cup of rice is not much to look at on a plate.
- I have not been getting 2 full probiotic servings each day. I am getting bored with fat free sugar free super sweet sugar substitute sweetened yogurt.
- I have little to no willpower to resist certain snacks when they are offered to me.  Case in point- the chocolate milk and chocolate bar I shared last night.

Really these things boil down to a simple truth. I am a Carbaholic. And a Sugarholic. I am recovering, or trying to. If I fall off the bandwagon and assault you in a super hyper or terribly trantrum-ish way, I apologize. I imagine it would be something like getting drunk-dialed at 3 am.

I also look at these things and see ways that I could improve my odds. I can try harder to drink more water of course. I should start a better morning routine to ensure I get enough exercise into my day. I can go to bed earlier at night. I can hide the larger measuring cups to ensure I only eat a half cup of rice, and use a smaller plate so it looks like more. I can try new things with my yogurt. I really should start drinking smoothies again.

Now that I have noted my failures and have disappointed myself I have a bit of a plan or better idea as to how I can avoid these bumps in the future. This post will also serve as a reminder. I have also been looking through my food journal and healthy living notes, and I see ways that I am succeeding on this adventure, and I need to be reminded of those things, too.

Sometimes I win, and it looks like this: 

- I have dropped a dress size.
- I have lost around 20 pounds.
- My skin is clearer and less oily.
- I am not as bloated or gassy as I used to be. Laugh all you want, but it's true! Everyone farts, but bad food= bad farts and good food= good, reasonable toots.
- I don't need to wear a bra extender in most of my bras anymore. The ones that still need an extender only need one more row of hooks, instead of four.
-I have encouraged (some might say forced) my fiancé to eat more vegetables than he is comfortable with. He even ate Brussels sprouts. I am still working on getting him to eat fruit that isn't jam, pie or cake.
- When I eat right I find my ankles and feet hurt less and are not as swollen at the end of the day.
- I am learning to adapt favorite recipes into healthier new alternatives.

I am supposed to move on to the 3rd cycle of the 17 day diet soon, but I don't feel as if I have fully mastered the 2nd cycle yet where I am having so much trouble controlling my starch portions and servings. I might stay on cycle 2 until the weekend and see how that goes. Or I might move on to Cycle 3 and find that it helps me regulate my carb intake even more by letting me have starches every day instead of every other day and widening the variety of foods I can eat which may help me stay satisfied.

The moral of this story is that sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, but don't let the losses be the brick wall that stops you from reaching your goal.

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